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Navigating towards a Sustainable Future: The Crucial Role of Maritime Trade in the Fight against Climate Change

Navigating towards a Sustainable Future The Crucial Role of Maritime Trade in the Fight against Climate Change

In the vast arena of combating climate change, maritime trade emerges as a silent yet pivotal giant. Often overlooked in environmental discussions, its role in the global economy and its impact on the environment make it a central element in addressing the climate crisis.

The Impact of Maritime Trade on the Environment

With approximately 90% of international trade moving across the oceans, the over 90,000 ships navigating the waters are a driving force behind the global economy. However, this activity also comes with a significant environmental cost: maritime trade is estimated to be responsible for nearly 3% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, a figure comparable to the carbon footprint of an entire nation.

Maritime transportation not only emits greenhouse gases but also contributes to other forms of pollution, such as the discharge of wastewater and the release of chemical pollutants. Additionally, the noise from ship engines can interfere with communication and navigation for marine species, impacting marine ecosystems overall.

Challenges and Debates at MEPC 79

The recent meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) in London highlighted the urgency of addressing emissions from maritime trade. While some countries advocate for total decarbonization of the sector by 2050, others express concerns about the impact on their local industries and economies. This division reflects the complex challenges we face in reconciling environmental objectives with economic and trade realities.

One of the primary points of debate at MEPC 79 was the European Union’s proposal to completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime sector by 2050. While this goal is ambitious and aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, some countries, especially those with economies dependent on maritime transportation, expressed reservations about its feasibility and potential economic repercussions.

Technological and Environmental Solutions

Several technological solutions have been proposed to reduce emissions from maritime trade. From wind propulsion to the use of hydrogen, ammonia, or methanol as cleaner fuels, various options are being explored. Sail technology, for example, has experienced a revival with the development of rigid sails and automated systems that can help reduce fuel consumption.

In addition to alternative propulsion solutions, technologies to improve the energy efficiency of ships are also being investigated, such as energy management systems, enhanced hull designs, and improvements in supply chain logistics to reduce the need for empty trips.

Mindset Shift and Sustainable Consumption

However, beyond technological solutions, a shift in mindset and consumption habits is needed. Reducing excessive consumption and adopting more sustainable practices are essential to mitigate the impact of maritime trade on the environment. This requires a coordinated effort globally, involving governments, industries, and consumers alike.

Future Perspectives and Upcoming Meetings

The next MEPC meeting in July 2023 will provide another opportunity to progress towards stricter and legally binding regulations that effectively address emissions and pollution in the maritime sector. This meeting is expected to be a turning point in efforts to reduce the environmental impact of maritime trade and move towards a more sustainable future.


Ultimately, the challenge of climate change cannot be tackled without addressing the fundamental role of maritime trade. Recognizing its importance and working towards innovative and sustainable solutions is essential to navigate towards a future where oceans are both a source of economic prosperity and guardians of planetary health. Decisive and coordinated action is needed now more than ever to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.